Enhancing Student Security 

and Streamlining Management
from Drop-Off to Pick-Up

Guardiun stands for "Safety and Privacy for You," reflecting our commitment to providing tailored security solutions for schools

Our approach is collaborative, involving design sessions with each school to fully understand their unique challenges and requirements.

At Guardiun, we aim to revolutionize how schools manage access points, ensuring safety and efficiency throughout the day. Our solutions are designed to address the specific needs of each school, providing a comprehensive and adaptable security system.

About us 

What the school community said during our design sessions


The authorized personnel list is always up-to-date, and we can check a student's status at any given moment. This is exactly what I've been asking for years to improve and accelerate our processes.

-- Victor, Security, Portugal


"Managing permissions directly from the app significantly reduces paperwork and enhances our efficiency. It's truly a game-changer for maintaining a secure and organized school environment."

-- Ana, Administrative, Portugal


"The emergency response capabilities are a significant upgrade for our school. Its comprehensive approach to security management is a new level of safety and peace of mind."

-- Sara, Head of School, Spain


"I appreciate the notifications for drop-off and pick-up times, and the ability to authorize specific guardians for visits. It's reassuring to see technology supporting the safety of our children."

-- David, Parent, Portugal

Our Process

Guardiun takes a collaborative approach to security management, tailoring our solutions to meet the specific needs of each school. Our process is thorough and involves 6 steps.

1 | Comprehensive Design Sessions

To discuss and understand the school's protocols, daily operations, and security needs, we engage with the entire school community, from head of school, to security personnel,  and guardians.

2 | Detailed Analysis of Current State

We thoroughly examine the school's existing security measures, including physical, and electronic, and past implementations, successes, failures, and the reasons behind them.

3 | Vision for the Ideal Scenario

We work with the school to identify their ideal security situation, what each profile sees necessary, ensuring our solution aligns with their vision.

4 | Budget Considerations

We take into account the school's budget, including both capital expenditures (capex) and operational expenditures (opex).

5 | Tailored Solution Proposal

Based on our comprehensive understanding, we propose a customized solution that addresses the school's specific needs and challenges.

6 | Implementation

We implement the tailored solution, ensuring seamless integration with the school's existing operations. And we help design new protocols and create materials for dissemination to stakeholders.

Our Product

Guardiun offers a comprehensive security management solution specifically for schools. Our innovative platform allows seamless monitoring of all student movements while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations. Key features include:

January kick-started
solving school pains 

successful design
sessions conducted

schools validated
our security solution

students in
in beta phase

Get in Touch

Ready to take the next step towards enhancing security and efficiency at your school? Contact us today to learn more about GUARDIUN and schedule a consultation. Together, we can create a safer, more secure environment for students, staff, and parents alike.